Ride to Remember 9/11 – Hall’s Harley Davidson, Springfield, Il.

Yesterday I had the distinct honor and privilege to be part of an amazing memorial to honor the heroes of September 11th. The event, organized by Hall’s Harley Davidson in Springfield, Illinois, is a motorcycle ride to remember those lost in that horrific attack. I would like to personally thank Stan & Pat Hall, Diane & Larry Hughes, and Theresa Jones Unger. Not only were they kind enough to include us in this event, but they made us feel like family.

I have done speaking events in the past and they are always very emotional, as I remember those we lost that day and those who continue to suffer through illness brought on by exposure to toxins at Ground Zero, but to be surrounded by so many patriotic folks restores my faith that those who sacrificed everything that fateful day will never be forgotten.

These gatherings seem to happen at such a quick pace that it is impossible for me to remember all the amazing people that I get to meet, from the military veterans to the young school kids who weren’t even born when the Towers fell. It might just be a quick handshake or brief conversation, but for that moment I am reminded of just how far-reaching the impact of 9/11 was to this entire nation. To them I would just like to say that your kindness and warmth are truly touching and I thank you all.

I would be remiss if I didn’t extend my sincere thanks to Springfield, Illinois Mayor Jim Langfelder and Fire Marshal Chris Richmond who both went out of their way to make me feel welcome at the event. I would also like to thank Cymphanie Sherman, from WICS Channel 20, for interviewing me about the attack and the first responders who continue to suffer with illnesses attributed to exposure at Ground Zero.

If you are in the Springfield, Illinois area, mark your calendar for next year’s memorial ride: September 8th, 2019 and if you are ever in the area, please stop by and thank the staff at Hall’s Harley Davidson for being the true patriots that they are.

Remember to signup for my FREE monthly Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest information.

Thank you and God bless.


Book Release: Where Was God?

I just wanted to let everyone know that my latest book, Where Was God? An NYPD first responder's search for answers following the terror attack of September 11th 2001, is now available in both e-book and print through Amazon.

Have you ever struggled with the question of where God is during difficult or tragic times? I know I have and this was especially true for me, both during my career in law enforcement, as well as in the aftermath of the September 11th terror attacks. I set out to explore this question, but it ultimately developed into an investigation to discover the actual existence of God.

When you pick-up your copy you will be supporting two very worthwhile causes. 100% of the royalties are being donated to the Salvation Army and the Fealgood Foundation. Beyond the purchase of the book, please consider donating to these amazing groups that do so much work for others.
